john denver may have commited suicide.
(too old to reply)
2017-02-04 12:28:25 UTC
I was just curious to read a dozen or so posts if there was any more solid evidence about JD taking his life. He was a beautiful person but had flaws. Not filling the tanks on the airplane showed he was impatient and/or careless. Also a checkout of just 30 minutes the day before may have pointed to impatience.

That was a beautiful plan to fly. Flying low over water is a rush - so he's mentally in a pleasurable state runs out if fuel and in order to see the poorly located lever to switch tanks and he realized he had to rotate his body so that he could see the cross over lever. He reached for the valve - NOW ABOUT FIVE SECONDS COUND HAVE TAKE PLACE. In rotating his body he a adversity press the right pedal to the floor to give support in reaching. He's ONLY LOOKING BACK AND NOT WHERE HIS GOING.

The plane had a minimum speed of 60 MPH and max of around 200+. Say he was at 120 that 88x2 = 176 feet per second. So all he had to LOOK BACKWORDS for 2-3 seconds and with his right foot pushing forward for support - he was TOTALLY unaware when the plane's nose slammed into the water.

John Denver was almost perfect; died and flied lick an Eagle,
2017-09-11 00:48:10 UTC
This is a possibilty we must all face. If he did its important as we can use
that to educate people about depression but I get the impression that no one
here wants to even consider this possibilty. Johns career was in a downward
spiral, 2 marriages end in divorce because of his adultry, 2 DUIs, depression
,what else does one need ?
Tk. I love johns music but i refuse to idolize him. He was often arrogant,
lying,and '
2017-09-11 00:48:30 UTC
This is a possibilty we must all face. If he did its important as we can use
that to educate people about depression but I get the impression that no one
here wants to even consider this possibilty. Johns career was in a downward
spiral, 2 marriages end in divorce because of his adultry, 2 DUIs, depression
,what else does one need ?
Tk. I love johns music but i refuse to idolize him. He was often arrogant,
lying,and '
2017-09-11 00:48:38 UTC
This is a possibilty we must all face. If he did its important as we can use
that to educate people about depression but I get the impression that no one
here wants to even consider this possibilty. Johns career was in a downward
spiral, 2 marriages end in divorce because of his adultry, 2 DUIs, depression
,what else does one need ?
Tk. I love johns music but i refuse to idolize him. He was often arrogant,
lying,and '
2017-09-11 00:48:46 UTC
This is a possibilty we must all face. If he did its important as we can use
that to educate people about depression but I get the impression that no one
here wants to even consider this possibilty. Johns career was in a downward
spiral, 2 marriages end in divorce because of his adultry, 2 DUIs, depression
,what else does one need ?
Tk. I love johns music but i refuse to idolize him. He was often arrogant,
lying,and '
2017-09-11 00:48:59 UTC
This is a possibilty we must all face. If he did its important as we can use
that to educate people about depression but I get the impression that no one
here wants to even consider this possibilty. Johns career was in a downward
spiral, 2 marriages end in divorce because of his adultry, 2 DUIs, depression
,what else does one need ?
Tk. I love johns music but i refuse to idolize him. He was often arrogant,
lying,and '
2017-12-10 00:10:36 UTC
I would bet that his public life doesn’t offer NEAR enough information about factors in his private life to say whether he commit suicide or not. But the distinction between him being the adulterer or his wife isn’t necessarily any less potentially devestating. And when it comes to flying a plane, if you didn’t check the fuel before yiu took off, it would sure seem like you weren’t caring a whole lot about whether yiou came back or not, anyways. I think it’s VERY much a possibility, and there is certainly nothing anyone could know of his public life to refute it, given there is probably a whole lot of stuff we just don’t know. That being said, his NOT having commit suicide is just as much of a possibility. Both sides are feasible, but all anyone can do is speculate. No one will ever know for sure whether it was suicide except John Denver himself.
2018-04-18 03:16:09 UTC
He WAS depressed . Had all the symptoms. His decision to not gas up his plane points to impaired thinking . A cardinal symptom of depression . Then flying low in a new lane is another sign. Then his panicked attempt to switch tanks? AND his pushing his foot on the ailerons to reach back over his shoulder? An experienced pilot flying a new plane low over the beach with questionable gas in his tank ?? I'm a pilot, first rule in flying is this: altitude is your friend because if troubles develop if you are high you have time to figure out what is wrong and correct the problem. Denver violated several rules which combined to kill him. Why? Depression affects thinking in many ways. He needed antidepressants which had he gotten he'd likely be alive today . Truly tragic and preventable.
2018-06-29 05:41:22 UTC
John Denver killed himself.
1. Experienced pilot.
2. Mechanic suggested filling up with fuel
3. Difficult to reach fuel switch.
4. Of the two tanks aboard,one was half full the other a quarter full. John said he wouldn't be in the air for long.
5. Now I ask you? Why would an experienced pilot start with the quarter tank instead of the half tank? He already stated he wasn't going up for long and he new about the difficult fuel switch.
6. He didn't care about the fuel or the switch...he new he wasn't coming back.
7. Also..he never attempted to glide the plane down. He went head first.
8. End of story.
2018-10-24 07:27:15 UTC
Did you actually know him to say he was arrogant, lying & self-serving? A person committing adultery can mean a lot of things. The other person usually has faults as well. It is a 2 way street. One person may be alone feeling a loss of love- when what was once so beautiful is gone. He/ she may seek love elsewhere, but be also unwilling or not ready to give up completely on that old love. Another scenario is that he/she may have a profoundly loving spirit to love others easily. He/she may find it difficult to dim that spirit to love just one person. It is our rather warped world, after all, that forces people into a mould to love just one person. Historically through thousands of years many people have found that to be impossible. Alcoholism is a sickness. And all those other people out there committing adultery or drinking too much are often not creating beautiful & profound songs of Spirit and Love. Why should a singer be expected to be more perfect than anyone else? Judgment is a vicious emotion to begin with-it. It seems to me that a person who holds forth a profound & moving vision of the beauty & joy if life deserves more than that viciousness. Even if he- like any one of us- is not perfect. As Jesus said, look to the mote in your own eye. Do you have a perfect life in every way? How is the relationship that you have going? If you are faithful, are you also 100% happy? Do you bring that happiness to the one you are with? Or is it a misery you force yourself to endure so you can feel like
you are the righteous one? Until we each are perfect, and our lives the same, we have no leg to stand on to judge another person. Namaste.