John Denver-believe in Christ?
(too old to reply)
2016-09-05 19:52:46 UTC
In the Scripture, God says He is always at work, and He expects us to be about His work daily, too.

One day in a frequent flyer room, I looked over and saw John Denver. It was pretty obvious with his distinct features and signature guitar that it was him.

I went over and said, "John!"

He jumped up, stuck out his hand and said, "I haven't seen you in a while."

I said, "No sir, we've never met. But I am a man who's prayed for you for over five years, and I have a message for you from your dead father, Dutch."

You see, years earlier, in the height of my pagan lifestyle, John Denver's father was the co-pilot on the Learjet that used to fly me around the country to do my illegal mob business.

His father -- whose hand I held when he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ -- made me promise that one day I would share with his son. I said, "Dutch, if God provides the moment, the privilege is mine."

Now it looked like the moment was going to come.

I met with John in a private room in the Denver airport for the better part of two hours. I took him line by line through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There wasn't a single verse of Scripture he did not understand -- nor was there a single verse of Scripture that he would accept.

Finally, I said, "John, when did you make up your mind Jesus Christ would never become your Lord and your Savior?"

He could remember the date, the time and the place. A godly Sunday School teacher, like some of you, said to him Jesus Christ was The Way, The Truth and The Life.

I left with a saddened heart, tears in my eyes.

I asked God, "Why did You go to all this trouble if John Denver was not going to accept You?" And a verse of Scripture came into my heart that took evangelism to another level for me. I hope it will for you. It comes out of 2 Corinthians 2:16, and it says, "To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life."

The word "death" in Scripture means eternal separation from God.

Wherever you go, to whomever you speak, wherever you stand, you represent life and you represent death -- for you and them it will be either an opportunity, or an opportunity lost.

Bill Fay is an evangelist and author of Share Jesus without Fear
2017-01-02 13:39:24 UTC
I question that myself and hope he did I read his book he wrote his family wasn't real religious can movie stars or actors believe in Jesus I think they distract people somewhat from the lord and suffer depression often I love John and his music I know he's not god I remember being a kid in the 1970's he and the bee-gee's--were everywhere on every radio station John's lesser known songs are my favorites like whisky basin blues-the road 1966 song or1964-my old man is a real pretty song his voice was pretty much unmatched literally you listen to his voice on these I have never heard any one even come close the song far side of the hill who can ousting this maybe robin gibb? Seems like some people with great gifts don't believe in god .john also for awhile went to set training and had a spiritual adviser swami-mmnuktanoduh (spelling wrong I bet)I don't think swamp was a believer in Jesus .
2017-12-30 07:09:53 UTC
Does anyone KNOW (have personal or first-hand knowledge) if John Denver
ever recieved God's offer of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ? NOT, does
anyone know what John Denver's views were about churches or organized religion
or spirituality in general, but did John believe that Christ came into the
world to die for a world of sinners and physically rise from the dead so that
whoever believes in Christ could have salvation as a free gift, no strings
Any info on this is deeply appreciated.
sincerely Eric
2017-12-30 07:11:00 UTC
Does anyone KNOW (have personal or first-hand knowledge) if John Denver
ever recieved God's offer of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ? NOT, does
anyone know what John Denver's views were about churches or organized religion
or spirituality in general, but did John believe that Christ came into the
world to die for a world of sinners and physically rise from the dead so that
whoever believes in Christ could have salvation as a free gift, no strings
Any info on this is deeply appreciated.
sincerely Eric
2017-12-30 07:12:41 UTC
Does anyone KNOW (have personal or first-hand knowledge) if Denver
ever recieved God's offer of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ? NOT, does
anyone know what John Denver's views were about churches or organized religion
or spirituality in general, but did John believe that Christ came into the
world to die for a world of sinners and physically rise from the dead so that
whoever believes in Christ could have salvation as a free gift, no strings
Any info on this is deeply appreciated.
sincerely Eric
2017-12-30 07:13:26 UTC
Does anyone KNOW (have personal or first-hand knowledge) if John Denver
ever recieved God's offer of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ? NOT, does
anyone know what John Denver's views were about churches or organized religion
or spirituality in general, but did John believe that Christ came into the
world to die for a world of sinners and physically rise from the dead so that
whoever believes in Christ could have salvation as a free gift, no strings
Any info on this is deeply appreciated.
sincerely Eric
2017-12-30 09:47:46 UTC
Does anyone KNOW (have personal or first-hand knowledge) if John Denver
ever recieved God's offer of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ? NOT, does
anyone know what John Denver's views were about churches or organized religion
or spirituality in general, but did John believe that Christ came into the
world to die for a world of sinners and physically rise from the dead so that
whoever believes in Christ could have salvation as a free gift, no strings
Any info on this is deeply appreciated.
sincerely Eric
2017-12-30 09:48:14 UTC
Why is it that anytime christ is mentioned people seem to get angry? People in the church are human and they are very Judgemental. Televangelist's these these days do seem preach a false gospel so they decieve well meaning people into giving money to these vultures. That is no excuse to deny Christ. As a Christian we are not to set our eyes on man. I'm not preaching,just wanting to say I love all of you and just as John Denver expressed pretty much the same. To wonder if john was C hristian is just concern for abeloved brother. I Don't profess to be person of great knowledge, I just speak from the heart. In 1997 I was incarcerated and was also great mental distress as a result over my shame and guilt. One day I went to the prison library to check out something to read. I found a short book about john denver. It had a photo of him on the cover and he had such a great smile on his face. I began to remember with fondness listening to an album of his when I was about ten years old. I loved the album so much. Even as a small child I could feel how special he was. Anyway I found another book called conversations with God. The author is Neale Walsh. So I checked the two books out and took them back to my cell. The Denver book spoke of a young awkward looking shy boy with the last name Dusseldorf who had a hard time making friends. He moved around slot because his father was in the military. At some point his mother pulled a dusty guitar out of a closet and told him to learn to play it which he did. Soon making friends was easy as expressing himself with music and song made him popular. At some point he moved to Denver Colorado and to make the story short he began to fall in love with Mountains, rivers, mature and such. When he finally got a recording contract the label told him his last name Dooseldorf was to long to put on a record. He was to think of a name of something he liked. He said with a smile "Hi I'm John DEenver" The rest is history. I read the book over and over, it reminded of the shy boy I was and the shy man that I am. In prison It's a privilege to have a job and mine was to clean while others were locked in their cells. On this day as I worked my sadness began to lift as I sang out loud every John Denver song could think of. I began to cry because I felt a strange peace come over me. Later some of the guys told me they enjoyed hearing me sing with such passion. Two days later as I took the Denver book back to the library a man saw me looking at the photo of John on the cover of the book. He said he was sad what happened to John Denver. With a puzzled look I asked what happened. He said John Denver died in a plane crash three days ago. I could say nothing as I guess I was in shock. Later after much reflection thought I understood I had been singing his near the same time John died. The book conversations with God came with a free offer for anewsletter by the author Neale Walsh. Many months later I got a copy in the mail. On the cover the author stood with his close friend.... John Denver. Did God reach out tome...... I like to think so. To all my brothers and sisters.
2018-02-28 02:45:38 UTC
U people obviously know nothing about what a Christian is ....so sad
2019-06-30 05:16:12 UTC
i wanna know so i can meet him in heaven
2019-07-15 03:49:41 UTC
I am very surprised that of all the people on here really do not know of John Denver ant better than what I have seen on here. John Denver was a known Atheist. In fact he has said that numerous times I believe a few times on talk shows.
Occ Inc
2021-06-15 06:13:36 UTC
Does anyone KNOW (have personal or first-hand knowledge) if John Denver
ever recieved God's offer of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ? NOT, does
anyone know what John Denver's views were about churches or organized religion
or spirituality in general, but did John believe that Christ came into the
world to die for a world of sinners and physically rise from the dead so that
whoever believes in Christ could have salvation as a free gift, no strings
Any info on this is deeply appreciated.
sincerely Eric
God "literally" spoke through John Denver.
If you can't see or hear that in his songs, then you are not one with an ear to hear.
And if you are referring to the BS that the churches preach, that someone is saved JUST because they believe that Jesus lived and died for our sins, then you are as lost and brainwashed as most of humanity. And there is no hope for you.
There is a connection with you and God. Jesus taught it, but the churches altered it (to bring in parishioners to make money), and John Denver sang of that connection pretty much in fullness.
Sad that most people don't get it. Your Soul, or Spirit, is all you truly are. Your physical existence is just a test. Connect with that, and you will see. But most can't, because they are totally unaware, consumed, and blind, due to their desires in the physical realm. All I can say, is, good luck to you.