Was John Denver a Christian?
(too old to reply)
2014-07-24 04:52:36 UTC
UNLESS HE GOT SAVED no he isnt. IT IS NOT BASED ON MY WORKS !!! what standard
of comparison are you using? yes if i measure john denver against most people
hes good. but to get in heaven we have to meet Gods standard and when we
compare ourselves to God we feel inferior cause , hunny, we just don't measure
up! So I am depending on MY FAITH, not my goodness for my rightouesness is as
filthy rags when God looks at it. It is by FAITH AND NOT WORKS WE ARE SAVED!!!
Mike, you're a brainwashed, judgemental Christian.
Wake up.
2015-06-02 09:51:50 UTC
Yes, John Denver did many good things and yes God loves him as he loves us all but as human beings, we cannot put our knowledge and wisdom above Gods word. God says in the Bible that there is no one that is righteous, no not one. He also states that there is only one way to heaven and that is thru Jesus who gave his life's blood to atone for our sins and it also states: "Believe on the lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" If we could earn our way to heaven when is it enough? We are told that God wants us to accept him and live for him. Yes, there are many opinions and everyone has one but it's not our opinion that counts, God made the world, he created us and everything in it and left us instructions. The Bible is our instruction book and the final authority. It has stood the test of time. It's infallible and inspired by holy men of God. Those who set out to disprove the bible, find out that it is true.
2015-11-28 21:42:22 UTC
John 3:16!!!!!! N I love John Denver!
2015-12-04 10:55:49 UTC
I loved John Denver's heart and kindness...such a humble, gentle man. I was blessed to have seen him twice in concert, the last time being only several months prior to his untimely death. But I've read two articles on whether he was actually saved...both of them written by pastors, one of whom had led John's father to Christ. This same man had an opportunity to lead John to Christ just a month before his fatal accident. He went through the Gospel with John...spent two hours together discussing it. At the end of their encounter, he invited John to receive Christ as his Savior...but sadly, John's reply was "Not now". I can say for sure that at that particular moment, John Denver was not saved. But it is my deepest hope that in the month that remained before his death, that he might have received Christ as his Savior. I imagine we'll know for sure once we get to heaven.
2016-02-29 23:01:45 UTC
Was Jon Denver a Christian? I cannot add to what you wrote, but I have found in his lyrics, statements about Biblical things and the times we face ahead.

Recently I read an account of a woman who died and was shown Heaven, he'll, and what she calls purgatory. She was sent back to reveal these experiences.
What she said about the time one reaches the bifurcation Between Heaven and hell is they're asked if they accept the salvation if the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.
Once people who lack the evil spite reply, "well not we see so yes we do accept." The ones who refuse chose hell.
Since nothing unpure or unholy can enter Heaven, souls are put to a place to be purified of their past. The main point here is this: Scripture says we will not escape our condition without paying the very last cent:
"Make friends quickly with your opponent at law while you are with him on the way, so that your opponent may not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. "Truly I say to you, you will not come out of there until you have paid up the very last farthing." Matthew 5:25-26 could this be a foretelling of this place of purging past sin? The Woman went on to say that God wants everyone he created to be with him--this has always been out greatest brith right. He gives us every opportunity to change, and change we must, or risk a hard heart.
For people thinking another Christian peddling his Jesus, I say, this is NOT my way, but the way given to humankind to be freed from sin & death--I am least worthy of all.
It's been years since I listened to John Denver's music, and frankly, I recall it wasn't exactly what my friends actually liked thinking it too commercialized. We were a team from a rather hip restaurant who used to cater for bands in the green rooms of stadiums. We got the run of the areas backstage and after feeding the bands and roadies we'd go to watch shows from the press box. For kids 19-20 it was a big coup to have unfettered backstage access to chat with the people whose records we'd long purchased. YES's Jon Anderson was particularly fond of a prawn and penne dish he thought was superbly prepared as it hadn't been cooked to death by the chafing dish--though this was so long ago. Access to people & parties, Studio 54, Hampton's or Fire Island Pines, even the Vinyard was taken for granted as we traveled by sea plane not trains or the LIExpressway. We were the beautiful young ones whose socialite parents could not control--even actors pursued us. Yet through it all, we kept distant, but for several we lost or we'd have been claimed by drugs or HIV long ago. But for what purpose? Why are we spared to face the unthinkable ahead?

Am I trying to impress? No, I'm trying to express what took me years to learn, though it was always in the back of my mind: " to save yourself, loose yourself for my sake" says Jesus whom I call Yeshua now. So important is this advice that it's one of the few themes recorded in all four gospels, and in the book of Acts. We learned this with at times bitter tears and great solitude. Yet it's this solitude in prayer we've discovered the greatest truth of all time--we are almost at the end of human history. In this knowledge, I found great comfort in the prophetic words written by Jon Denver in Rocky Mountain High--I ask you to review the words in Rocky Mountain high for a glimpse of what Jon Denver was given, what he intuited by Spirit.
Please: prepare your hearts now, and keep your hearts full of grace through baptism by Water & Holy Spirit by which we must be marked to survive the great Passover to come upon the world soon.
2016-04-13 02:52:55 UTC

Based on one mans conversation, no, he was not.
2016-07-17 00:32:57 UTC
"Live every day like the first, or the last. With nothing to lose and Heaven
to gain" -- John Denver
But heaven cannot be gained but only given by grace.
2016-07-17 00:35:18 UTC
If heaven is full of people like you Mike then I'll take my chances in
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Don't let someone else's behavior rob you of God and heaven.
2016-07-17 00:37:39 UTC
John Denver was not a member of the Statue of Liberty Bible Baptist
Church & Bible College (nor would we have allowed him to attend until he
repented, quit drinking, and got a haircut). Therefore he was just
another heathen.
Amen to that brother. Pass the communion plate and give me my ticket into
heaven. Long haired hippies don't belong in our heaven!
What a horrible thing to say. Jesus came for the prostitutes, tax-collectors and thieves. He came to seek and save the lost. Our hearts should be in sink with His compassion and passion for the sinner.
2018-11-11 23:23:46 UTC
How do we know that in his last minutes of life, he didn’t cry out to God and ask for forgiveness and grace!
2016-09-04 00:42:25 UTC
John often spoke and sang about his spirituality and love of people and nature. He was
raised in a family that believed in Christianity and the values that the Bible teaches.
In his adult years and, particularly after around 1971, John's views on religion began
to expand beyond Christianity. His values mirrored many of the common beliefs shared
by the major world religions-i.e. there is a God, be kind to others, do something to
make the world a better place etc, pray... So, in that vein he has lots in common with
Christianity. In terms of the Biblical views on things and some specific things the
Bible says about Christianity and getting to heaven etc... there is some question about
John being a Christian in the full Biblical sense. Christianity, like many spiritual
teachings, does get specific and John's views sometimes overlapped with Christianity but
at other times he clearly embraced the views of other religions and philosophies such as
reincarnation and certain teachings of some Native American and Eastern Philosophies.
Sometimes the beliefs of Christianity are clearly distinct from those other beliefs.
One thing is clear and that is that no Christian (including myself) should attempt to
play God and judge John's or anyone's spiritual destiny. It is my hope and deep
desire to see John Denver in heaven and sing with him and the angels. From a Christian
perspective, we believe that God loves us all and that Jesus came to create a way for
everyone to be in heaven one day.
I know that God loves John Denver and is glad for the work he did on and for this world.
The question was asked ("Subject: Thought Question") whether or not John
Denver was a Christian. I suppose the issue of concern to the author is
whether or not he is in Heaven.
In regard to affiliation, he was a Presbyterian. But more than an
affiliation, one should be judged by their deeds. He certainly lived the
Christian Credo of doing unto others as he would have them do unto him. And
how many times have we heard of (and experienced for those fortunate) his
unselfishness, generosity and kindness toward others? Is this not Christ's
message? He did not focus on any particular "chosen" insularity as expressed
by some, but took the whole world into his arms as all men are the Kingdom of
God. This by its nature is Christian.
In a regional sense, the values he expressed through his music are the same
cultural values embodied by the people of New Mexico and West Texas where he
was born; no different from Fort Worth and Lubbock where he lived as a teenager
and young man; and the same in Colorado. My family were pioneers and ranchers
in the same region of Texas and New Mexico. The bible is central to their
living. He comes right out of the same stew pot; its in his bones. His
thoughts express their same hopes, dreams, loves, aspirations, concerns and
goodwill toward others; and beyond this region, he was the all-America Apple
Pie striking the same cord. He spoke to the hearts and minds not only in our
country, but throughout the West; hence, his great popularity in Australia, New
Zealand, England, Canada and Europe. Although this is for the most part the
English speaking world, he transended cultures, as in Asia.
Yes, by his timeless honesty, truth, deeds, message and contribution, we can
take comfort in knowing that he is strumming away on his guitar, with God's
blessing, and singing wonderful poetry to sold out crowds in Heaven.
2016-10-07 02:33:05 UTC
No one knew John's heart but the Lord and no one knows the mind of God...this question is moot. John was an exceptional person and I look forward to our maker revealing his fate and mine if I am so blessed.
2017-04-29 00:00:14 UTC
Its not about what deeds you do while you live that makes you a christian. Its if you belive Jesus lived again after the 3rd day. If John (whom I am a fan though) didn't belive this, he never was a christian, and I am sad to say he is not in heaven right now. There is a person who wrote about meeting John, trying to talk to him about his family being christians, but John did not accept. So, to whoever thinks John was a christian, I regret to say from what I know, he wasn't a christian.
2020-05-28 14:57:16 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Its not about what deeds you do while you live that makes you a christian. Its if you belive Jesus lived again after the 3rd day. If John (whom I am a fan though) didn't belive this, he never was a christian, and I am sad to say he is not in heaven right now. There is a person who wrote about meeting John, trying to talk to him about his family being christians, but John did not accept. So, to whoever thinks John was a christian, I regret to say from what I know, he wasn't a christian.
You do not know that he didn't accept Jesus into his heart in his last moments. He could have and that's what I hope.
william russell
2023-11-12 10:20:01 UTC
Its not about what deeds you do while you live that makes you a christian. Its if you believe Jesus lived again after the 3rd day. If John (whom I am a fan though) didn't believe this, he never was a christian, and I am sad to say he is not in heaven right now. There is a person who wrote about meeting John, trying to talk to him about his family being Christians, but John did not accept. So, to whoever thinks John was a christian, I regret to say from what I know, he wasn't a christian.
You do not know that he didn't accept Jesus into his heart in his last moments. He could have and that's what I hope.
There is a Rev up there in the comments who says John Denver wouldn't be allowed into his church for several (about three) reasons. The last of these is that he would be told he had to get a haircut first! If Jesus were to knock on this Rev's church door, would Jesus too be required to get a haircut before anyone would let him in? There are people who reject all forms of formal Christianity, or Church worship, because they have had bad experiences of those who claim to be Christians. My guess is that Jesus understands better than anyone where these apparently anti-Christian people are coming from. The evidence suggests he even has loads of sympathy for them. Think of the various judgement scenes in the Gospels, including Matthew 25... 'Not those who say Lord, Lord... or perform many miracles in my name... But those who do the will of my Father in Heaven...' And, of course, 'Do not judge... lest you be judged yourself, and found wanting...' or words to these effects. And of course, at the moment of death, everything can change in a trice of time. It was only then that the 'good thief' became good - before that, he really was a thief - and in that final moment, turning to Jesus and asking mercy, the floodgates of forgiveness opened for him and so did the door of Paradise. John Denver wasn't a saint, but who out of any od us is in a position to judge him? I think he was on the right way, and even if he wasn't - even if you dwell on all his defects, and he surely had many (who hasn't?) - I have total confidence in the overwhelming mercy of the Lord, and when offered it I hope (and indeed I believe) John Denver would have received it. Of course, no one knows for sure. But no one can presume otherwise, either. It's all in the hands of an all-merciful Lord, who offers forgiveness to all, and gives us grace to accept it - he doesn't force it on us - so we all have the possibility to be saved, if we really accept what's on offer - and what's on offer is life with him, Jesus Himself, the centre of everything, the One in whom all things will be recapitulated. What happened to John Denver when that plane was going down, or at that moment when the crash impacted on him and he died? I don't know, neither does any Rev, or anyone else... The Lord Himself knows, so it is his secret. We'll all know in the end, when he returns and all things will be recapitulated in him, but, for now, it's a secret. I am OK with that. I don't need to know, until such time as the Lord wishes to reveal it. It's a secret in the safest of hands. So be it. Meanwhile, try listening to the lyrics, and for sure enjoy the voice and music of John Denver's rendering of that beautiful song of his entitled 'The Wings that take us home' (or something like that). For me, these lyrics are very Christian indeed. They are certainly open to a Christian interpretation, and how wonderfully - from all his heart - he sings them. I can imagine Jesus, our Lord, Lord of all, saying to him, in that final moment, 'OK John, you didn't have such a good opinion of my church, or my Christians, or my clergy folk - but what about me? Are you going to reject me too?' And the reply - I am only imagining - 'No way, Lord. I'll never reject YOU. I always loved you. You know I love YOU...' He is the door, and it will swing open. I don't know of course - it's a secret - but I can imagine that scene (or something like it). Can you? All we see is the wreckage of the plane, and all we feel is the sadness of it all, but behind what appears to us in this world, unseen from our physical eyes, what lies behind all these appearances - the true reality that lies behind everything - is indeed the Glory of the Lord.
2017-09-04 17:29:56 UTC
Please read Ephesians 2 verses 8&9 . We are saved only by the grace of God.....it is a gift from God only because we have received Jesus Christ as our Savior believing that He died on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Only He could do this for us as He was sinless. Because God is just He cannot let our sins go unpunished; that's why God out of His love for us sent Christ to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. His word says : for the wages of sin is death (separation from God forever) but the gift (a gift cannot be earned) of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus said of Himself in John 14:6 ....I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me. Faith without works is dead...true and our works (good things we have done for God) are the direct result of our receiving Christ as Lord and Savior. He has given us eternal life so we show our love toward Him by being Christ-like in our words and actions.
2017-09-21 04:46:40 UTC
I am sure John Denver hoped he was "some kind of Christian" and more...Its all up to Jesus to decide for EVERYBODY. We certainly hope to see his name written in the BOOK OF LIFE.It's all up to Jesus....not one's own "good works"...stay tuned...
2018-08-09 06:14:27 UTC
perfectly. being a good person, doing good things does not get you to heaven.
2018-12-08 21:37:55 UTC
I know this is a coversation about john denver but, me myself does not belive in god. But i did read the bible. If you die in one of jehovas judments you will not be put in his paradise. If you follow his rules and dont celeibrate these silly holidays such as easter then you will go to paradise. Thats pretty much all i have to say
2019-02-06 19:19:18 UTC
John often spoke and sang about his spirituality and love of people and nature. He was
raised in a family that believed in Christianity and the values that the Bible teaches.
In his adult years and, particularly after around 1971, John's views on religion began
to expand beyond Christianity. His values mirrored many of the common beliefs shared
by the major world religions-i.e. there is a God, be kind to others, do something to
make the world a better place etc, pray... So, in that vein he has lots in common with
Christianity. In terms of the Biblical views on things and some specific things the
Bible says about Christianity and getting to heaven etc... there is some question about
John being a Christian in the full Biblical sense. Christianity, like many spiritual
teachings, does get specific and John's views sometimes overlapped with Christianity but
at other times he clearly embraced the views of other religions and philosophies such as
reincarnation and certain teachings of some Native American and Eastern Philosophies.
Sometimes the beliefs of Christianity are clearly distinct from those other beliefs.
One thing is clear and that is that no Christian (including myself) should attempt to
play God and judge John's or anyone's spiritual destiny. It is my hope and deep
desire to see John Denver in heaven and sing with him and the angels. From a Christian
perspective, we believe that God loves us all and that Jesus came to create a way for
everyone to be in heaven one day.
I know that God loves John Denver and is glad for the work he did on and for this world.
The question was asked ("Subject: Thought Question") whether or not John
Denver was a Christian. I suppose the issue of concern to the author is
whether or not he is in Heaven.
In regard to affiliation, he was a Presbyterian. But more than an
affiliation, one should be judged by their deeds. He certainly lived the
Christian Credo of doing unto others as he would have them do unto him. And
how many times have we heard of (and experienced for those fortunate) his
unselfishness, generosity and kindness toward others? Is this not Christ's
message? He did not focus on any particular "chosen" insularity as expressed
by some, but took the whole world into his arms as all men are the Kingdom of
God. This by its nature is Christian.
In a regional sense, the values he expressed through his music are the same
cultural values embodied by the people of New Mexico and West Texas where he
was born; no different from Fort Worth and Lubbock where he lived as a teenager
and young man; and the same in Colorado. My family were pioneers and ranchers
in the same region of Texas and New Mexico. The bible is central to their
living. He comes right out of the same stew pot; its in his bones. His
thoughts express their same hopes, dreams, loves, aspirations, concerns and
goodwill toward others; and beyond this region, he was the all-America Apple
Pie striking the same cord. He spoke to the hearts and minds not only in our
country, but throughout the West; hence, his great popularity in Australia, New
Zealand, England, Canada and Europe. Although this is for the most part the
English speaking world, he transended cultures, as in Asia.
Yes, by his timeless honesty, truth, deeds, message and contribution, we can
take comfort in knowing that he is strumming away on his guitar, with God's
blessing, and singing wonderful poetry to sold out crowds in Heaven.
2019-04-25 08:40:23 UTC
All i can say is God knows your heart
2020-03-10 03:46:58 UTC
Hey just saying, speak the truth but not in anger. Jesus says to correct with gentleness. I know your concern for people to know the truth. Don’t fight the people, please. I urge you brother, show compassion and meekness.
2020-03-17 18:30:04 UTC
Years before his death, I saw John Denver on a talk show saying he was anti-christian and wanted to stamp out Christianity.
2020-05-28 14:51:05 UTC
John often spoke and sang about his spirituality and love of people and nature. He was
raised in a family that believed in Christianity and the values that the Bible teaches.
In his adult years and, particularly after around 1971, John's views on religion began
to expand beyond Christianity. His values mirrored many of the common beliefs shared
by the major world religions-i.e. there is a God, be kind to others, do something to
make the world a better place etc, pray... So, in that vein he has lots in common with
Christianity. In terms of the Biblical views on things and some specific things the
Bible says about Christianity and getting to heaven etc... there is some question about
John being a Christian in the full Biblical sense. Christianity, like many spiritual
teachings, does get specific and John's views sometimes overlapped with Christianity but
at other times he clearly embraced the views of other religions and philosophies such as
reincarnation and certain teachings of some Native American and Eastern Philosophies.
Sometimes the beliefs of Christianity are clearly distinct from those other beliefs.
One thing is clear and that is that no Christian (including myself) should attempt to
play God and judge John's or anyone's spiritual destiny. It is my hope and deep
desire to see John Denver in heaven and sing with him and the angels. From a Christian
perspective, we believe that God loves us all and that Jesus came to create a way for
everyone to be in heaven one day.
I know that God loves John Denver and is glad for the work he did on and for this world.
The question was asked ("Subject: Thought Question") whether or not John
Denver was a Christian. I suppose the issue of concern to the author is
whether or not he is in Heaven.
In regard to affiliation, he was a Presbyterian. But more than an
affiliation, one should be judged by their deeds. He certainly lived the
Christian Credo of doing unto others as he would have them do unto him. And
how many times have we heard of (and experienced for those fortunate) his
unselfishness, generosity and kindness toward others? Is this not Christ's
message? He did not focus on any particular "chosen" insularity as expressed
by some, but took the whole world into his arms as all men are the Kingdom of
God. This by its nature is Christian.
In a regional sense, the values he expressed through his music are the same
cultural values embodied by the people of New Mexico and West Texas where he
was born; no different from Fort Worth and Lubbock where he lived as a teenager
and young man; and the same in Colorado. My family were pioneers and ranchers
in the same region of Texas and New Mexico. The bible is central to their
living. He comes right out of the same stew pot; its in his bones. His
thoughts express their same hopes, dreams, loves, aspirations, concerns and
goodwill toward others; and beyond this region, he was the all-America Apple
Pie striking the same cord. He spoke to the hearts and minds not only in our
country, but throughout the West; hence, his great popularity in Australia, New
Zealand, England, Canada and Europe. Although this is for the most part the
English speaking world, he transended cultures, as in Asia.
Yes, by his timeless honesty, truth, deeds, message and contribution, we can
take comfort in knowing that he is strumming away on his guitar, with God's
blessing, and singing wonderful poetry to sold out crowds in Heaven.
The only way he is in Heaven is if He asked Jesus Christ to forgive him and he accepted Jesus as his savior. He can do all the good deeds in the world and be the best person, but if he wasn't saved by Jesus, he won't be there. I am hoping so much that in his last few moments he accepted Jesus as his savior. Because yes, we can be saved by grace alone, especially in your last moments if you would have that opportunity. If we accept Him and live past that acceptance, then our works should reflect our faith. You have to have the faith. I truly hope John is in Heaven. I've been a huge fan of his since I was a teen back in the 70's.